On the Road to CO

On the morning of July 31, 2018 we started the long trip to Colorado. Vincent’s dad (now my father-in-law!) and our niece gave us some shells before we left on which they wrote, “from Florida to Colorado,” for us to leave at stops along the way. Can you spot the shell in the first picture? This was at a gas station somewhere in Tennessee. This sign was the most interesting thing at this particular stop.

I left the one below next to a rock that says “have courage and be kind.” At a gas station in Kentucky or Illinois, a biker gave it to me. He said “Do you want this? I found this rock and it says to pass it on, but I can’t carry it with me on the bike.” So I took it with me and left it with a shell in Missouri.

I think this last one was in a Wendy’s parking lot in Kansas.

I forgot or didn’t always have time to take a picture, but I had fun finding places to leave these little pieces of Florida.

Overall, the trip took three days. The first day was the worst with rain and Atlanta traffic, but the other two went very smoothly. We got to drive through some cool places we had never been to before, like Nashville, St. Louis, and Kansas City. Some places were…less interesting, but it was all part of the journey. We could barely believe it when we finally arrived to our new home in Colorado on August 2, 2018. Our road trip journey had ended, but it was just the beginning of a new adventure!

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